Spatula Laboratorium

Jenis-Jenis dan Fungsi Spatula Laboratorium Yang Wajib Anda Ketahui

Fungsi spatula laboratorium sangatlah penting, terutama bagi Anda yang bekerja di dunia penelitian. Namun, sebelum membahas lebih dalam tentang fungsi-fungsi spatula laboratorium, terlebih dahulu ketahui definisinya. Secara umum, spatula adalah alat untuk mengambil sebuah objek.

Ada banyak jenis spatula, baik yang digunakan untuk penelitian di laboratorium maupun untuk kegiatan memasak. Nah, khusus untuk spatula laboratorium kimia maupun biologi, bentuknya kecil, pipih, dan bertangkai. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut ini uraian lengkap mengenai jenis-jenis sekaligus fungsi spatula laboratorium tersebut.

Bahan dan Bentuk Spatula Laboratorium

Ada banyak bahan yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat spatula, mulai dari bahan kayu, alumunium, hingga stainless steel. Pemilihan bahan ini pastinya sangat berhubungan dengan benda apa yang akan diambil dengan spatula tersebut. Jika benda yang diambil berisiko mengalami reaksi jika berhubungan alumunium, pastinya bahan spatula yang digunakan sebaiknya dari kayu atau stainless steel.

Selain bahan, bentuk spatula laboratorium sangat bergantung pada besarnya benda yang akan diambil. Sebagai contoh, spatula yang digunakan untuk mengambil sampel yang hanya mempunyai berat sekitar 5 gram, pastinya berbeda dengan bentuk spatula yang akan digunakan untuk mengambil sampel berukuran hingga 30 gram atau bahkan lebih.

Jenis-Jenis Spatula Laboratorium

Secara garis besar, ada tiga jenis spatula yang biasa digunakan untuk keperluan laboratorium. Berikut ini ulasan lebih lengkapnya:

  1. Alat Spatula yang terbuat dari bahan stainless steel.
  2. Spatula politena atau spatula tanduk.
  3. Spatula nikel, yaitu spatula yang disepuh dengan menggunakan bahan nikel.

Fungsi Spatula Laboratorium

Dari ketiga jenis spatula laboratorium di atas, masing-masing mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda. Berikut ini lebih lengkapnya tentang fungsi spatula laboratorium berdasarkan jenis-jenisnya:

1. Spatula Stainless Steel

Spatula yang terbuat dari bahan yang diyakini anti karat ini biasanya digunakan untuk mengambil objek sangat kecil yang telah melalui proses pengirisan dan disiapkan untuk bahan penelitian melalui mikroskop.

2. Spatula Politena

Spatula yang juga sering disebut banyak orang spatula tanduk ini biasanya digunakan untuk mengambil bahan-bahan kimia dalam bentuk padat.

3. Spatula Nikel

Spatula ini berfungsi sebagai sendok kecil yang juga digunakan untuk mengambil bahan kimia. Hanya saja bedanya, alat ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai alat pengaduk saat membuat suatu larutan. Semua jenis larutan yang ingin dibuat, kecuali larutan asam, bisa menggunakan alat ini sebagai alat pengaduk. Meskipun merupakan hasil sepuhan nekel, namun pada dasarnya spatula ini berasal dari sebatang kaca yang mempunyai diameter 4 mm.

Batang kaca tersebut kemudian dipotong memanjang dan di kedua ujungnya dibuat membulat dengan menggunakan nyala bunsen. Untuk ukuran panjang, spatula digunakan untuk tabung reaksi biasanya mempunyai panjang 20 cm, sedangkan spatula yang digunakan pinggan atau gelas piala kecil biasanya mempunyai panjang 8–10 cm.

Itulah pembahasan mengenai pengertian, bahan, jenis-jenis, sekaligus fungsi spatula laboratorium. Bagi pekerja laboratorium, baik kimia maupun biologi, informasi ini sangatlah penting, mengingat dalam setiap percobaan, bahan kimia tidak sembarang bisa berinteraksi dengan semua bahan, termasuk bahan dari medianya.

Salah dalam menggunakan jenis spatula akan berakibat fatal pada hasil penelitian yang sedang dilakukan. Dengan kata lain, meskipun kecil, benda ini ternyata sangat penting perannya dalam dunia penelitian. Oleh karena itu, mengetahui tentang jenis-jenis sekaligus fungsi spatula laboratorium sangat penting untuk diketahui.

fungsi pipet volume

Volume pipette Types and functions

For those of you who are often in a laboratory is certainly familiar with volume pipettes. If used to be in high school with SCIENCE lesson surely also already very familiar with this object. The Volume pipette function turns out to be very diverse and very useful for people who are piloting. Although this tool looks very simple but the process of making this object requires precision. In addition to the accuracy of this tool should also be measured by techniques that are very precise and must meet a certain level of precision to be created properly.

Volume Pipette function

Volume pipette Fungi are for the transfer of fluids used in the testing process with a very small start amount up to the other size of the examiner. The trick is to suck the fluids that will be moved by using the mouth slowly the land. So it is very important to keep in mind when using this tool should be enough days especially when it will move various types of harmful liquids.

Volume pipettes are essential for the testing of biological testing, such as molecular biology, as well as testing of chemical tests included in the Analytical Chemistry section. Not only there, but various medical science practices also require a volume pipette. This tool is generally made with transparent material, and very helpful in moving various types of liquids and other liquid substances.

Volume Pipette Shape

The pipette itself is a tool that has a cylindrical shape and is quite long. If further observed the shape of the pipette will resemble the form of drinking straw. Generally made from glassware or glass and transparent. It is also commonly used in milliliters or ml units. So that the shape and size of the pipette are very suitable and very helpful to certain testing processes that require a high level of accuracy. This type of pipette is actually quite different because it is very important to understand the type and its usefulness so as not to use and cause failure in the testing process.

Types of pipette types and their functions

Different types of pipettes will certainly provide different benefits, here are several types of pipettes.

1. Pipette or chemical dropper

This pipette works and is useful as a tool to move a certain amount of fluid. These pipettes have a precise level and also high levels of accuracy. This pipette consists of two types that are the first one is a micropipette that has a small to small size. The second is a type of macro with a size and also a fluid volume greater than the first type.

2. Pipet ukur

This type of measuring pipette is also commonly referred to as measuring pipette. This pipette has the greatest size up to 50 ml and is also useful for moving various types of solutions in the test process.

3. Pipette Drops

This pipette drops very unique because it is able to move various types of liquids by drop by drop from one container to another.

4. Buret Pipette

This burette pipette has a very good function in measuring a liquid that is issued during the titration process.

5. Volume Pipette

These volume type pipettes have other forms of pipette types. The Volume pipette function is actually almost the same as other pipettes. The middle or bulging part is useful for moving and taking liquids or solutions with specific volumes in accordance with the volume labels found in the bulging parts. In taking the solution can be manually, but also can use a suction tool called a pipette pump or propipette.


Cara Kerja Hot Plate dan Tips

Here Is How The Hot Plate Works and Tips for Using It

The way hot plates work is actually not difficult. Anyone can do it, as long as they know the ins and outs of one of these laboratory equipment. Well, here is a complete explanation of the understanding of hot plates and their functions, so you can better understand how hot plates work to use tips.

Definition and Function of Hot Plate

If defined, a hot plate is one of the laboratory tools that is often used in a study. The function of this tool is twofold. First, to heat a flammable solution, and second to homogenize the solution. If this tool is used to homogenize the solution, a stirrer bar for stirring is needed. However, if only used to heat the solution, just enough hot plates are used. However, in today’s world, researchers still prefer a multifunctional tool even though it is not necessarily used when researching.

How it works Hot Plate

The way hot plates work is very simple. Here are step by step steps you can take to use a hot plate when you want to heat and stir the solution:

  1. Make sure the hot plate is connected to the power source.
  2. Weigh the chemicals to be dissolved using analytical scales.
  3. Put the chemical in a beaker or erlenmeyer tube.
  4. Add some solvents to it, like aquades.
  5. Place the beaker on a hot plate.
  6. Turn on the ON button on the hot plate and adjust the temperature so that the material dissolves.
  7. Insert the stir bar and adjust the stirring speed.

Tips for Using Hot Plate

So that the process of heating and stirring the solution runs smoothly as desired, there are some safety tips that must be done, namely:

1. Pay attention to the glassware used

Because the hot plate is used to make the solution by heating and stirring, make sure the glassware that holds the solution is resistant to heat so it does not break during the heating process.

2. Note the Surface Area of ​​the Hot Plate

Make sure the surface area of ​​the hot plate is wider than the object being heated. Because, that way, the heat generated by the hot plate can spread evenly throughout the heated object. If the object is wider than the surface of the hot plate, then there will be parts of the object that do not get maximum heat.

3. Use Boiling Stones

So that the heating process can be done more quickly, put the boiling stone into the solution being boiled. In addition, in the presence of boiling stones, the explosion of boiling chemicals in the beaker can be muted so that it does not come out and wet the hot plate.

4. Pay attention to the room humidity

Be careful when the solution has reached high heat, while humidity is low. Because, this will cause cracks in the beaker. Therefore, try to keep the humidity of the room air and hot plate heat is always stable.

5. Note the Solution’s Boiling Point

Each chemical has a different boiling point. Adjust the temperature used to heat the chemical beyond its boiling point. Because, this will cause the container to dry quickly and risk cracking.

6. Keep away from flammable objects

Make sure around the hot plate away from volatile and flammable materials. Because, this can trigger a fire when a hot plate is used.

7. Turn off the Hot Plate When It’s Done

Do not forget to immediately turn off the hot plate machine when it has finished use. You do this simply by pressing the OFF button and unplug the cable that connects with the flow of electricity.

Rak Tabung Reaksi dan Cara Penggunaana

Fungsi Rak Tabung Reaksi dan Cara Penggunaan Tabung Reaksi

Apakah fungsi rak tabung reaksi? Rak tabung reaksi merupakan salah satu dari alat-alat laboratorium yang berupa non gelas terbuat dari kayu yang berbentuk seperti rak kecil, rak ini digunakan untuk menata atau menyimpang beberapa dari tabung reaksi. Terdapat beberapa lubang lubang di bagian atas rak yang berguna untuk menaruh tabung reaksi supaya bisa berdiri.


Fungsi Rak Tabung Reaksi

Fungsi rak tabung reaksi yaitu sebagai tempat untuk meletakkan tabung reaksi yang berjumlah banyak. Rak tabung ini dibuat dari bahan dasar kayu yang berukuran 35 x 7 cm dan dapat menyimpan sebanyak 24 tabung reaksi.

Sedangkan tabung reaksi merupakan tabung yang dibuat dari plastik maupun kaca yang tahan akan perubahan temperatur maupun tahan dari segala reaksi kimia. Tabung reaksi disimpan di atas rak tabung baik tabung  yang ada tutup dan juga yang tanpa tutup.

Tabung reaksi dikenal dengan Culture Tube atau Test Tube. Culture tube merupakan sebuah tabung reaksi yang tidak ada bibir biasanya dipakai dan digunakan untuk pembiakan mikroorganisme dalam skala cair.


Tabung Reaksi

Tabung reaksi terbuat dari kaca bening berbentuk huruf-U yang besarnya kira-kira seukuran jari tangan orang dewasa dan  supaya dapat terlihat oleh para peneliti atau analis untuk melakukan proses reaksi kimia. Tabung ini juga tahan akan panas, hal tersebut dikarenakan proses untuk reaksi kimia dengan membutuhkan panas.

Biasanya reaksi kimia yang memakai tabung ini adalah reaksi oksidasi atau reaksi oksidasi. Ukuran tabung reaksi sangat bervariasi baik dari segi ukuran maupun dari diameternya atau segi panjangnya. Maka dari itu membutuhkan rak tabung reaksi dengan berbeda-beda lubangnya.

Sebelum membelinya Anda harus mengetahui secara pasti Fungsi rak tabung reaksi  maupun tujuannya. Terdapat beberapa versi dari panjang tabung reaksi antara lain: 23 ; 12 ; 14 ; 22 ; 15 ; 16 ; 11 ; cm, sementara untuk diameter tabung reaksi bervariasi dari 2.2 ; 1 ; 1.2 ; 1.9 ; 1.6 cm.


Fungsi Tabung Reaksi

Penggunaan tabung reaksi supaya dapat mempermudah pekerjaan di laboratorium biasanya menggunakan rak tabung dengan berbagai ukuran yang bervariasi dijual. Adapun fungsi tabung reaksi antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Sebagai sebuah wadah untuk menampung reaksi kimia dalam skala medium.
  • Untuk melakukan percobaan reaksi kimia dalam skala kecil.
  • Sebagai wadah untuk perkembangbiakan mikroorganisme dalam media cair.
  • Untuk mencampur, menampung, dan memanaskan bahan kimia dalam jumlah yang kecil.
  • Untuk pengujian kualitatif.


Penggunaan Tabung Reaksi

Penggunaan tabung reaksi biasanya diisi air ke dalam sebuah gelas beker yang diletakkan terbalik air yang terisi tersebut berguna untuk menangkap gas, tabung reaksi biasanya disimpan pada sebuah rak khusus, klem, dan tang.

Rak tabung tersebut didesain dengan berbagai posisi biasanya horizontal, supaya dapat memaksimalkan permukaan tabung reaksi dan perkembangbiakan di dalamnya. Pada umumnya dalam tahap pemanasan bahan kimia yang memakai tabung reaksi terdapat 2 cara.

Cara pertama, dipanaskan terlebih dahulu tabung reaksi tersebut ke dalam gelas kimia yang sudah diisi air dan kemudian menggunakan kompor / heater pembakar spiritus untuk proses pemanasan. Cara yang terakhir agar selalu memegang tabung reaksi dengan menggunakan jepit oleh penjepit tabung.

Tidak boleh dengan tangan kosong, harus selalu memakai penjepit tabung reaksi maupun memakai sarung tangan yang tahan panas supaya tangan Anda tidak terkena dampak panas dari reaksi kimia kemudian untuk selanjutnya dibakar secara langsung di atas api.

Fungsi Corong dalam Dunia Penelitian

Funnel Functions in the World of Research and Types

The function of the actual funnel, apparently not everyone knows. Most people assume that this funnel is only used to move liquid form substances from one place to another. In fact, more than that, in the world of research, funnels have several functions. The following is a complete review of the function of the funnel, as well as the types and ways of using it.

Funnel Sections and Sizes

Broadly speaking, the funnel only has two parts, namely the mouth and funnel stem. When viewed from the material, there are two types of funnel, namely funnel with rubber or plastic material and funnel with glass material. Although both are used to move liquids, this type of liquid will distinguish which type of funnel to use.

Especially for the glass funnel, there are several sizes provided, from smallest to largest. Some of the available funnel diameters include 50, 75, 100, 150 and 120 mm. Meanwhile, the length is adjusted to the size of the upper diameter.

Types of Funnels

When viewed from the shape and designation, there are several types of funnel. Here are some of them

1. Funnel Glass (Funnel Conical)

This funnel is most often used in the world of research. The shape is the same as a funnel in general, it’s just that the material used is of glass, rubber, or plastic. Usually, this funnel is used to move the solution from one place to another or it can also be used for the filtering process by first coating the top with filter paper.

2. Bucher Funnel

Another type of funnel that is also often used in research is the funnel bucher. Not only used to move liquids from one place to another. But at the same time filter out the transferred fluid. Not surprisingly, this object is usually used more to move a solution that requires filtering. In use, this funnel needs the help of a vacuum pump.

3. Separatory Funnel

Unlike the two previous types, this funnel is even more specific, both in form and function. Viewed from its shape, this funnel made of glass has a rounded top with a filling hole at the top, where the bottom has a valve. Meanwhile, if seen from its function, this funnel is used to separate two liquids which have different density in the extraction process.

Funnel Function

As explained earlier, funnels have different functions for each type. It’s just that, in outline the same function, which is to move the liquid from one place to another as well as a place for the extraction process. Here are more complete functions of the funnel:

  1. A device for transferring or entering liquids or solutions from one place to another that has a small mouth, such as a bottle, measuring flask, or burette.
  2. Tool to assist in the process of filtering a solution, by first coating the top with filter paper.
  3. And tools to assist in the extraction process of a solution of up to two liquids can be separated in only one tool.

How to Clean a Funnel

So that the funnel can be durable, well maintained, and avoid contamination, it must be cleaned every time it will be used or after completion of use. The way to clean it is quite easy. You just wash with soap and water, then rinse with clean water. After that, dry it with a soft cloth and store it in a safe place.