spektrofotometer adalah

Apa Itu Spektrofotometer? Inilah Definisi dan Prinsip Kerjanya

What is a spectrophotometer? Spectrophotometer is one of the most important devices in the medical and chemical industries. In fact, the tool consists of a spectrometer and a photometer. At the spectrometer, it can produce rays from a spectrum with a particular wavelength beam.

The medical world and the chemical industry are growing as time goes by. In both industries it is necessary that a special device to be more research on chemicals as well as in the medical field is increasingly optimal. One is the use of a spectrophotometer. What is the understanding of this device and how does it work? Here are the descriptions that you can see.

Definition of spectrophotometers

Spectrophotometer is one of the most important devices in the medical and chemical industries. In fact, the tool consists of a spectrometer and a photometer. At the spectrometer, it can produce rays from a spectrum with a particular wavelength beam. Meanwhile, Photometer is more referring to measuring instruments where light intensity is transmitted or other terms are in absorption.

In other words, a spectrophotometer is an analytical method based on the measurement of Ray absorption. The beam is monochromatic by a column of colour solutions in specific wavelengths using prism-shaped monocormators.

Spectrophotometer Parts

Based on the part of the spectrophotometer is the device for the analysis method that includes four important components, namely light source, Monocromator, Cuvet, and detector. The light source here is still subdivided for the UV area and the visible area consists of tungsten lamps that produce a spectrum at 320-2500mm waves.

Then the hydrogen or detrium lamps and the xenon gas lamps. At light sources in the IR area the sources of rays used are Nerst lamps, globar lamps, and Nkrom lamps. As for the UV line radiation spectrum consists of the steam lamp, concave cathode lamp and electrode charge carrying lamp.

The second component is monoromator that serves as a polycyromatic light parser. In third components there is a cuvet. It is a tool that is used as a place to be analyzed. Cuvet is made of Kwars, Pelxigalarab, Kada and plastic.

The last or fourth component is a detector that has the role of the light response giver at various wavelengths. This detector will turn the light into an electrical signal and display the data viewer in a pointing needle or through digital numbers.

Spectrophotometer Working principle

The working principle of a spectrophotometer adheres to Lambert Beer. In this law if monochromatic light passes through one medium, some other light is absorbed and Sebaian is reflected. While some more will be emitted. Lambert Beer’s law will run if:

  • The incoming rays or that are about the sample cells are of light with monochromatic wavelengths.
  • The absorption of rays in the solution is not influenced by other solutions in one solution.
  • Absorption can occur in the volume of solutions that have the same cross section (Cuvet).
  • The measured solution must be completely clear so that there is no light scattering of colloidal particles.
  • It has a low concentration of analytes, because if the analytical concentration is high it will interfere with the volume of absorption of the absorbansi.

Error using spectrophotometers to avoid

The use of Spectorphotometer can sometimes not run perfectly. This is what causes an error in using a spectrophotometer when measuring analyte concentrations. And here are some of those mistakes that should be appropriate for you to avoid getting the best spectrophotometer results.

  • There is absorption by the solvent and this error can be solved by using a printing or a containing solution in addition to the analyzed components included in it is a color-forming substance.
  • The basic ingredients and absorption of cuvet. Usually the Cuvet is made of glassware or quartz and the cuver of Quartz has the best quality.
  • A normal photometeric error in measurement with low or very high absorbtion.

That’s a glimpse of the definition and working principle of a spectrophotometer. If you want the best spectrophotometer can click here for more information. Hopefully useful and add to your insight.

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