How Leachables from Plastic Consumables Can Affect Your Bioassay
It is nearly impossible to imagine our daily life without synthetic materials.
In molecular and biochemical laboratories, consumables made from plastic are used in practically every application.
Often times when a bioassay produces undesirable results, the least suspected culprit would be the unassuming plastic tube or tip. This is the case until 2008 when an article in Science magazine titled “Bioactive Compounds Leach from Disposable Laboratory Plasticware” (1) was published. In it, the author described how a particular leaching compound hampered his bioassay and leads to reproducibility issues in the results.
Since then, the awareness of using safe and reliable plasticwares has risen. The question here is not how and when a
leaching compound can leach out to compromise on a bioassay but as to which plastic consumables may present such
a problem.
This seminar serves to highlight and address this issue with an emphasis on choosing quality over cost when it comes
using a consumable for an important bioassay.