Apa Itu Buret Kimia

What is chemical burette and how to use it?

Chemical Burette is a lab fixture that is generally made of glass material. And used to move chemical fluids with a specific volume size.

To move the chemical fluid is more commonly known by using a pipette while the burette is usually used for fluid transfer with titration techniques.

Burette has a straight and long tubular or cylindrical shape, with a tapered bottom end equipped with a faucet to control the intensity of the drip fluid that will be removed.

As with Pipettes, the side of the burette tube comes with size lines to calculate the volume of fluid. Burette has a fairly high degree of accuracy in which A grade A chemical Burette has an accuracy rate of up to 0.05 cm3.

Based on its type, chemical burette is divided into 3 types namely macro Burette, Semi micro, and micro Burette. The macro Burette has a capacity of 0.1 ml – 50 ml, semi Micro has a capacity of 0.05 ml – 25 ml, while the micro has a capacity of 0.02 ml – 10 ml, and 0.01 – 5 ml.

For titration process usually the burette positioned to stand using a ring stand so that the user hands can control the faucet, and other hand mixing solution.

How to read the correct chemical Burette

Burette is a fluid measuring device with a high degree of accuracy. In order to get less error, there are ways to be aware. To make the results more accurate the user should carefully perform the readings.

When reading the size indicated by a meniscus line the eye view should be perpendicular to the liquid surface. One of the obstacles in the Burette readings is the object in the background. Because the objects in the background of the burette can affect the accuracy of the user’s view so it is good to read the burette using the card.

Take a card or white paper then draw a piece of area and then block it with black color. Place the card behind the chemical burette so that the readings are not interrupted with random objects that can divert accurate readings.

If the burette used has a line with a color other than red, the line is white for example, then use a card or paper with a color that contrasts with the line color.

Chemical Burette cleaning to always be accurate

After finishing using a chemical burette, dispose of the remaining fluids and then clean the burette using a wash until clean. Then rinse using distilled water, then remove the faucet.

When the Burette has recently been used for titration of liquids with alkaline or alkaline properties as soon as possible it is cleaned because the liquid can cause freezing on the faucet cap.

Along with the use of chemical burette, the longer will be collected solid material at the end of Burette (as well as pipettes). And should be cleaned from time to time so that when the process of titration volume of droplets that come out can be constant.

The way to clean this solid material can be by using a small wire inserted into the tube. Previously, the faucet should be removed in the Burette first. So that solid material that has been removed from the end of the burette can be ejected through the faucet holes.

Another thing that must be cleaned in chemical burette is the air bubbles that can reduce the accuracy level of the reading size. How to clean the air bubbles that are usually around this faucet is to insert the pitch fluid into the burette and then open the faucet until it is full.

It can also include the tip of the burette into the chemical glass containing the pitch, attach the filter or bulb to the top end of the burette and then suck while opening the burette’s faucet. The air bubbles that are on the faucet will rise to the top without any more air entering into the burette.


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