Apa Itu Pipet?

Micropipettes are super Advanced pipettes, it’s the Sense & explanation! …

What is a pipette? Perhaps, this question is often asked by some people, especially the first to study the world of laboratories. Well, if you are among those, or at least want to add insight, here’s the full review of one of these laboratory equipments.

Pipette definition

If asked, what is a pipette, the answer is quite easy. Pipettes are one of the laboratory devices that are commonly used to take liquids on small droplet scales. With this tool, although the liquid is taken very little, the size obtained is very accurate.

The shape of this pipette is generally a small and long tube like a pencil, with its lower end tapered and the upper end covered by a rubber. This rubber serves to suck the fluids that will be taken until inside the pipette. For the material, there are two materials commonly used for the manufacture of pipettes, namely glass and plastic.

Pipette Types and functions

When viewed from the function, pipettes can be divided into several types. Here are some types of pipettes:

1. Pipette Drops

A drip pipette is a pipette that serves to take or move liquids in very small sizes, droplets by drip. Typically, these pipettes are made of glass or plastic with a pointed lower end and a bulging rubber top end. As for how to use it, you simply squeeze the piece while inserting a pointed tip on the liquid to be taken. Once in the solution, remove the squeeze on the rubber until the liquid enters the pipette. Remove the pipette, then insert the pointed tip of the pipette into another container and gently push the rubber back until the liquid in the pipette exits according to the desired size.

2. Measuring pipette

Measuring pipettes have the same function, which is to move or extract liquids from one container to another. Only, usually liquids are taken in the form of chemical substances. In taking this fluid, it usually used other tools in the form of filter pipettes. In this type of pipette there is also a scale to know how much fluid to take. According to this size, this pipette is distinguished into several types with color coding, namely:

  • A minimum of 1 ml with a scale of 0.01 ml has a yellow color code.
  • As for a 2 ml pipette with a minimum scale of 0.02 ml has a black color code.
  • As well as a 5 ml pipette with a minimum scale of 0.05 ml has a red color code.Then the size of 10 ml with a scale of at least 0.1 ml has orange color code.
  • And for a size of 25 ml with a scale of at least 0.1 ml has a white color code.

3. Volum Pipette

Judging from the shape, this type of pipette is very different from other types of pipettes. Because, in the middle there is a bubble. It has a higher volume of pipette accuracy. Typically, a volume pipette is used for quantitative intake of liquids.

4. Buret Pipette

The Burette pipette is essentially the same as other pipettes, both form, function, and how to use it. It is only that the pipette is more devoted to taking a specific size of the titration result.

5. Micropipettes

The specialty of this micropipette is its accuracy although it is used to move liquids in very little quantities, even under 1 ml though.

These are some types of pipettes and their functions. From this description, now you won’t need to be confused anymore when anyone asks, what is a pipette. You can explain it plainly.

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