Cara Kerja Hot Plate dan Tips

Here Is How The Hot Plate Works and Tips for Using It

The way hot plates work is actually not difficult. Anyone can do it, as long as they know the ins and outs of one of these laboratory equipment. Well, here is a complete explanation of the understanding of hot plates and their functions, so you can better understand how hot plates work to use tips.

Definition and Function of Hot Plate

If defined, a hot plate is one of the laboratory tools that is often used in a study. The function of this tool is twofold. First, to heat a flammable solution, and second to homogenize the solution. If this tool is used to homogenize the solution, a stirrer bar for stirring is needed. However, if only used to heat the solution, just enough hot plates are used. However, in today’s world, researchers still prefer a multifunctional tool even though it is not necessarily used when researching.

How it works Hot Plate

The way hot plates work is very simple. Here are step by step steps you can take to use a hot plate when you want to heat and stir the solution:

  1. Make sure the hot plate is connected to the power source.
  2. Weigh the chemicals to be dissolved using analytical scales.
  3. Put the chemical in a beaker or erlenmeyer tube.
  4. Add some solvents to it, like aquades.
  5. Place the beaker on a hot plate.
  6. Turn on the ON button on the hot plate and adjust the temperature so that the material dissolves.
  7. Insert the stir bar and adjust the stirring speed.

Tips for Using Hot Plate

So that the process of heating and stirring the solution runs smoothly as desired, there are some safety tips that must be done, namely:

1. Pay attention to the glassware used

Because the hot plate is used to make the solution by heating and stirring, make sure the glassware that holds the solution is resistant to heat so it does not break during the heating process.

2. Note the Surface Area of ​​the Hot Plate

Make sure the surface area of ​​the hot plate is wider than the object being heated. Because, that way, the heat generated by the hot plate can spread evenly throughout the heated object. If the object is wider than the surface of the hot plate, then there will be parts of the object that do not get maximum heat.

3. Use Boiling Stones

So that the heating process can be done more quickly, put the boiling stone into the solution being boiled. In addition, in the presence of boiling stones, the explosion of boiling chemicals in the beaker can be muted so that it does not come out and wet the hot plate.

4. Pay attention to the room humidity

Be careful when the solution has reached high heat, while humidity is low. Because, this will cause cracks in the beaker. Therefore, try to keep the humidity of the room air and hot plate heat is always stable.

5. Note the Solution’s Boiling Point

Each chemical has a different boiling point. Adjust the temperature used to heat the chemical beyond its boiling point. Because, this will cause the container to dry quickly and risk cracking.

6. Keep away from flammable objects

Make sure around the hot plate away from volatile and flammable materials. Because, this can trigger a fire when a hot plate is used.

7. Turn off the Hot Plate When It’s Done

Do not forget to immediately turn off the hot plate machine when it has finished use. You do this simply by pressing the OFF button and unplug the cable that connects with the flow of electricity.

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